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Time is the most important asset in Life and we don't know how long it will last.. So Organise yourself beginning with You. Work out your body clock so that you gain maximum Productivity. Set up your own filing system for you, make it SMART, colour code it and let it work for you.
Nobody really wants to be disorganised and for greater guidance go to my Master Organisation & Productivity Templates.

Organisation page
Quick Body Biological Clock Chart


My energy levels - HIGH period (Work) LOW (Mindless tasks, Rest, Eat or Power nap)

n.b. whichever energy level - Dump any new thoughts onto a piece of paper

S.M.A.R.T. spreadsheet

Specific - you specify your task in a cell(s)

Measurable - relates to the number of half-hour cells allocated to the task

Agreed - otherwise you would not have written it in

Realistic - hopefully you have allocated the right amount of cells to the task

Time - the number of cells you have assigned to the task - see below

White File Folders

Do not try to re-invent the wheel. Use established filing systems e.g. Dewey-decimal library system, Argos index, Amazon or Ebay categories etc. Customise your ONE major filing system across all virtual & physical media - File managers, Bookmarks, Cloud a/cs on ALL devices PC, Laptops, Tablets, Mobiles, Office, Home, Attic, Garage etc. Tag items especially Photos e.g. #holiday, #2019, #Italy, #Rome, #Family, #Mum, #Dad, #Son, #Daughter. Make file names unstandable. Make file dates in YYYYMMDD format so that they run in chronological order. Physical items should be stored in uniformed order and coloured if possible as below. 


Do not re-invent colours use regular established codes e.g.Google Calendar Tomato, Tangerine, Banana, Basil, Sage, Peacock, Blueberry, Lavender, Grape, Flamingo, Graphite or Basic Primary/ secondary colours

RED = Danger - regular Priorities/Must do e.g. Doctor, Dentist appointment

BLACK = Dark - Chores/Tasks you have to do e.g. Tax Return

YELLOW = Brightness/Sun - Pleasant task e.g. tea with a friend

GREEN = Grass - Outdoor activiies e.g. Golf, Football, Tennis, Run, Walk

BLUE = Calm - Indoor activities e.g. Quietness, Reading, Mediate, Bathe, Pamper

WHITE = Clear - Spare time e.g. Refer to your Snag/Things To Do list  (se below)


Mind Maps are a designed to give a visually organised overview of info by image, colour & text on one page. The overview triggers both the left & right sides of the brain. This Mindmap is of #TonyBuzan

MY RECORDS logged onto a spreadsheet

Logging records onto a spreadsheet means they will stay there as a reminder as opposed to a computerised calendar i.e. something list on 1st Jan could be forgotten by 2nd Jan plus unless it is anchored until completed or deleted and by scheduling tasks into 'half-hour cells' you are setting up a SMART system. Spreadsheets also allow you to Sort in order and add calculations or formulas

Primary Records
12 MONTH PLANNER (Events in Year)
WEEKLY PLANNER (Daily Events in Week)

LIFE PLANNER e.g. milestones 18,21,65 birthdays of family, 25,40,50 wedding anniversaries, mortgage start & finish, annual holidays,

EVENTS IN YEAR e.g. birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, tax return, annual bills, dates for comparison, subscriptions due. Seasonal work scheduled i.e. Summer - new decking ; Winter - indoor painting

DAILY EVENTS IN WEEK e.g. Colour Code RED = MUST DO -school run, Dr, Dentist appt etc YELLOW - organised fun WHITE - fill with Snag List, To Do List etc

Secondary Records
HOME SNAG LIST (Detailed tasks)

DETAILED TASKS e.g. Column 1- Priority A1-A10, B1-B10, C1.....E10. Col 2 Task; Col 3 Tradesman; Col 4 Materials; Col 5 Start; Col 6 Finish. These column can be Sorted or Grouped by each Tradesman etc but remember the logical order e.g. Electrician rewiring before Plasterer before Painter.

GARDEN CALENDAR (Seasonal To Do list)

THINGS TO DO BY MONTH e.g. Seasonal priority through year - clean tools, sow seeds, pricking out, harden off, plant out, prune, composting, fixing etc 


CHECK LIST e.g. Things To Do in a logical order and When to post

Other Useful Records
PROP. Chk List
Purchase Day Book / Sales Day Book
RULE 1. Has it been used within 18 mths
RULE 2. Will you use it?
RULE 3. Do you have to keep it? e.g. Will
RULE 4. Can it be digitalized

1. Sell on Website, Social Media, Etsy, Amazon etc at Highest price possible. Contact Specialists, Interested parties & Possible Buyers

2. Sell on Ebay at Highest price possible with a Reserve. Contact Specialists, Interested parties & Possible Buyers that Auction ends on dd/mm         at hh;mm. (Post Thursday 11.45 p.m. for 10 days to max viewing time over two weekends) 

3. Reduce price at 1. above & contact Specialists, Interested parties & Possible buyers again to State item now at SALE Price

4. Reduce price at 2. above & contact Specialists, Interested parties & Possible buyers again to State item now at SALE Price.

5. Sell at Auction with Internet facilities, Market, Boot Sale, Jumble Sale, Advertisement

6. Give to Charity if suitable

7. Dump at Council site.


"Hey Google Set Timer for 5  minutes" - CBT technique to help Procrastinators to start a task.

"Hey Google Set Timer for 25 minutes" - Pomodoro technique to help to maximise Focus followed by 5 minute break.

Set Fitbit to 50 minutes to Notify you that you should complete 250 steps within 60 minutes to keep you activite.  

Alarm, Timer, Smartwatch, Alerts, Notifications, Apps, Kettle,Microwave, Dishwasher, Robot, Echo, Google Assist, Solar energy, Virtual Assistant

Smart Leather Watch
Microwave Door Repair
Dish Washer
Black robot on blue background
Solar Panels on Roof
Smiling Man on Laptop

Minutes          Time wasted                                                                      (Based on 8 hours sleep/ 16 hours awake)

3 Days 12 Hours 50 Minutes
1 Hour
21 Days 5 Hours
7 Days 1 Hour 40 Minutes
10 Days 14 Hours 30 Minutes
14 Days 3 Hours 20 Minutes
17 Days 16 Hours 10 Minutes
2 Hour
3 Hour
4 Hour
5 Hour
6 Hour
42 Days 10 Hours
63 Days 15 Hours
84 Days 20 Hours
106 Days 1 Hour
127 Days 6 Hours

These figures are based on the fact that if we sleep 8 hours out of 24 hours. We are asleep for 1/3 of our life and awake for 2/3.

So if every morning you watch the kettle boil you are wasting 3.5+ waking days of your life each year. N.B. "Don't let thy cup runneth over" Fill the kettle just over a cupful and you will save time, energy & money. (Get an electric meter that monitors your usage)

Remember if you stay in bed for an extra hour you will have over 21 fewer days of your life but you will have over 21 days more if you get up an hour earlier and use your time wisely.

It is quite frightening to realise that we are awake 16 hours and what do we do. Watch TV for 4 hours, Internet surfing 3 hours, Gaming 3 hours, It soon goes.

"What have you done today to make you feel Proud" #HeatherSmall or 

"What have you done Productive today" #TimFerriss

7 Hour
148 Days 11 Hours
8 Hour
169 Days 16 Hours

Being a Nunn I have a habit but so do you. You probably brush your teeth, have morning coffee etc without thinking Yes you have a habit and as above, it is automated. You can start new habits exercise, start work, writing a book but you may need 66 days for it to be installed. #CharlesDuhigg #ThePowerOfHabit JamesClear #AtomicHabit


NOTE TAKING - use grid paper or better still Spreadsheet based on Third Normal Form (3NF) add the relevant columns so that they can be further broken down & sorted in various ways e.g. rather than simple bullets points  expand to Meaningful T=Tasks, E=Events, N=Notes

No Time - Delegate or Pay to get the job finished
Buy Stationery all at once, if poss
Every Spare minute try to do something PRODUCTIVE
Multi-task if poss. i.e. Run/Walk whilst listening to Knowledge on a radio, podcast, audiobook BUT DO NOT try do 2 jobs at once - the time spent switching outweighs time saved
Retention Learning Rates (1).png

Morning routine

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