Just got to go back to repeats. I enjoy watching #HomesundertheHammer so on Thursday tuned in to find they were visiting an old civic building in Rochester and #MartinRoberts was over the moon. Exactly the same as he was LAST WEEK.
Now HutH is probably in its thirtieth series so please don't disrespect the viewers.*0
#GameOfThrones yes I am the only people that hasn't watched it. I did start and watched the first two episodes several times and I have watched those same espiodes again but again I have stopped. It is an excellent programme but can I really be in for the long haul. I have worked out it will probably take me two solid weeks. Get a life comes to mind. *8
#RamsaysKitchenNightmaresUSA a good programme always keeps your attention and this is one of them. It is fast moving with several ups and downs. All I believe by Ramsey's Production company. Whether you like Gordon or not, this is a watchable programme *8
#SemiDetached I love #LeeMack in all his different programmes. He is so quick witted so I wanted to capture all episodes. No not with Sky's update menu where they do not give you the option of searching for earlier episodes. I hope I'm wrong but have tested it on other series. I will be looking to change my Sky because they seem to give very little and I have noticed that the Movies is now made up of 1940 & 1950 films. I wish my TV licence was still 1940 prices. *0
Will give a Semi-detached review later.
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