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TV review w/e 28th March

Writer's picture: masterofnunnmasterofnunn

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

#GardenersWorld 1/32 starts again on the #Springequinox. #MontyDon still in charge and starting off slowly at Longmeadow with a half hour slot. Monty starts pruning the roses. #RHSWisley is visited by #FrancesTophill to see the temporary show of house plants. Very interesting especially now were all staying in. Monty then continues the house plant theme in his greenhouse mainly talking about succulents and cacti. Next there on location to #Somerset to see a lady whose garden has 1,200 pots. The watering must be immense. Truly potty. Back to Monty sowing tomato seeds in his potting shed followed by Jobs for the Weekend. *6

It seems that the quiz show are going more towards Celebrity status. Saturday night and we had #Pointless and #TheChase I chose The Chase mainly because of #BradleyWalsh as the quick witted quizmaster as opposed the the static #AAlexanderArmstrong and #RichardOsman also they had #MiltonJones one of my favourite comedian and #BaronessTanniGreyThompson (that's shortened, Tanni is actually Baroness of bah, bah, bah, bah check it out because I've forgotten). Anyway they beat the Beast mainly because of Milton's intervention so 20k to charity. *8

#MarvelsAvengerAssemble looks like a good easy relaxing film but have I got the staying power. No but still with so many great actors *8 Looks Good.

#Hidden last espiode of series 2 and it mainly concentrates on #MiaOwen brilliantly played by #AnnesElwy and her duo with #DCICadiJohn also brilliantly played by #SianReeseWilliams I will not change my mind from last week's review because Mia is scary and feel that she will have revenge on DCI John. Could that be another series. If not, I'm going back to Series 1 again because I cannot get enough. *9

Taking this from Kerry "What if #Googlebox was watching #ThisCountry watching Googlebox watching....." Well I watched #Hunted on Googlebox and was surprised that the target was to get to a boat in North Wales so the Hunted team got to the target area. I would be waiting at the target area for the Hunted. The final steps also had a surprise of a marriage proposal just before they jumped into the sea to swim to the boat. The prize was £100k or drowning. Now I rarely watch these shows because I prefer the same show but with with celebrities e.g. #Pointless, #Catchprase, #TheChase and of course Hunted. It seems the celebrity programmes are coming back rather than the much cheaper joe public shows *6

#JoannaLumley #HiddenCaribbean is one of our treasures, she smoothly travels through Cuba & Haiti and has a natural way of talking to people that makes it easy viewing rather than a documentary. She makes it very interesting. The second in the series shows Haiti, the Voodoo Island. This poor Island has had more problems that most with a major earthquake killing thousands and to many corrupt leaders including the famous Papa Doc. Joanna watches local bread being made that's supposedly stops cancer and Alzheimer's. Next she visits a Voodoo ceremony that can go on for three days. Followed by an entrepreneur who has opened a bar and on the other side of the island fantastic art and galleries. But underlies the above tragic events of the various regimes, slavery and the volcano that caused cholera whereby the natives have to drink bottled water which results in plastic waste which is easily out of control. The country needs help but with the corruption this is unlikely to happen. But probably the most upsetting scenes are of the 2000 homeless children so as young as 5 sleeping on the streets. Joanna found 5 boys who looked scared and introduced then to the leader of a charity called Salaka. They drive to the Salaka haven and within minutes the faces of these boys was transformed and the unknown smiles started to return to their faces once they realised they were safe and could play. Something that was denied to them on the streets. *10

#Liar still continuing now at a slower pace with sub plots. It's starting to drag, let's move on, find the killer, kill the DCI and go to another TV drama quickly. *4

#ThisCountry 6/6 as above there probably isn't much content in this series but the way it is delivered compared to Liar makes it a must watch. Last in the series and centres around the vicar leaving for pastures new. But Kurtan takes it very personal that he is leaving and feels hurt. Kerry feels the same until the vicar offers her the position to head the harvest festival. But will the vicar leave his little village for the hectic city of Bristol and a stab vest? *8

#Doctors #Jimmi is free! But another Doctor is incarcerated. Yes, I recognised a Doctor that used to be in Holby City or the other hospital programme no not Emergency Ward 10. No I remember now he was in #HolbyCity AND #Casualty it's #CliveMantle played general surgeon #MikeBarratt. In this espiode he is playing a vulnerable man that hasn't been out of his house for several years and the only thing he seems to be doing is making jam. #DianeKeen also reappears after being on the series for nine years. So Jimmi is back with his OCD, depression and general downbeat look and they won't bring back hanging *6


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