#FridayNightDinner I asked last week if you found it funny or not. I watched Series 6 Episodes 3 & 4 again to confirm my opinion that it has gone from entertaining to silly. It started with Sally Phillips arriving with a Swiss accent and spending most of her time in the facilities i.e. the toilet or asking for a cream tea. Then Jim fell for her and she fell for him after she discovered his legs were not fat. After a bit of erotic dancing Jim ran out the door after seeing #SallyPhillips wearing a t shirt with a wolf on the front. The End.
Next episode Martin had his birthday and he worked out when everybody was going to die. Martin's mum turns up and sprays the walls with wine then destroys the shelves. She refuses to leave then Jim performs some magic tricks and Grandma dies. A bit like this show. *2
#Flack a totally original comedy show based on the antics of a PR company trying to get their clients and themselves out of the mire. This PR company has more bitches the Battersea Dogs home. Robyn played by #AnnaPaquin and Eve played by #LydiaWilson are the two main fixers lead by super bitch Caroline #SophieOkonodo. In this episode Caroline is joined by her ex husband played by #SamNeill who turns up with a client who fancies Eve (may God save him). He takes her to a coffee bar and meets the coffee assistant who is Melody #RebeccaBenson from Series 1. Melody helps Eve with another client so Eve promptly scuppers Melody's job interview with another PR company and re-hires her again. However, Melody thinks Robyn has done the dirty deed. *8
Watching the reruns of #FatherBrown but when you watch an episode of Father Brown that was shown the week before that's a bit too close for comfort but great to say you know who done it after five minutes.
Another rerun that I hadn't watched first time round was #Wolfhall staring #MarkRylance as #ThomasCromwell and #DamianLewis as #HenryVIII. Brilliant acting; by both parties especially Mark. I watched all 6 episodes which basically showed Cromwell's life except yes except him being executed! Now I don't want to be gruesome but we got all the way you #AnnBoleyn being graphically executed and that was it. Having watched Cromwell through his six hour life I did want to know how and why he eventually lost favour with Henry but no. So for that reason I'm out *5
I said last time that #HaveIgotnewsforyou it did not work due to lockdown and views of the respected individuals houses. Echoed laughter from #PaulMerton #VictoriaCorenMitchells hired oak panel background and #IanHislops library confirm to me that it still is not working. Perhaps #HIGNFY should be locked down. *2 Canned laughter would put it up to *3
#MotherSon is a quick two part drama. I have lost what I originally put down because it didn't save. Basically the story mum played by #HermioneNorris thinks that her son Jamie played by #AlexanderArnold but he keeps on giving good reasons and alibis. Hermione is now married to #MartinClunes and the two different family groups are arguing. Jamie has been accused of spying on his step sister in the shower so he is obviously sexualities frustrated that's why he liked the schoolgirl because she wouldn't have sex with him. Didn't you know? It's in the title! *7 for keeping it down to two episodes.
#Devs very slow and weird. Plus the schedule started it finished at 10.00 but I was watching a programme on Singapore at 9.45. Weird. Nothing really to report apart from the fact that they eventually got a back up of the security tape on a usb. The man in charge of the organisation is #RonSwanson from #ParksandRecreation so even weirder *4
3.27 and I'm watching #MyHero with Janet played by #EmilyJoyce then I realised that early on today she played wife come carer in #Doctors excellent in both comedy and comedy *7