I know I keep on moaning about the current repeats on TV because they used to tell you that the programme was a repeat but not now. I think programmes such as Place in the Sun showing property fifthteen plus years ago has no relevance. Firstly the prices are now outdated and the property has probably been sold several times since the rerun. This week ITV4 England v Georgia 2003 Rugby may have been a great game but isn't there anything better. Luckily live sport is good and currently I am watching Brighton v Newcastle and although I enjoy watching birds the Seagulls v Magpie's would not be my first choice but it's live not a repeat.*6
Yes things do have there place but evergreens that are relevant. Documentary or Drama are always interesting and I watched #DanSnow in #FilthyCities not so great knowing about rats, lice, bed bugs etc but interesting never the less. He then goes to NewYork and discovers dirty houses and streets. It was interesting to find that return pigs, liver and kidneys could be made into sausages. The evil smell was given borax and other ingredients including arsenic before making it an acceptable sausage but it would still kill you. Also in New York the streets were covered with over 150 dead horses, 4000 cats and 3000 dogs. Not so New yeh. *8
Next Typhoid ( hope your not having your tea). Mary was a cook who didn't wash her hands and wondered why her colleagues were doing. Mary was of course immune to the disease. The Health Board caught up with her and put her in quarantine for 3 years! and got her to promise never to be a cook again. Five years later there was another 25 were ill with 2 deaths from typhoid. This time it was tracked back to a Mrs Brown a Mary Brown again she was put in quarantine but this time for life and she died in prison. So don't moan about lockdown or being in quarantine just think of Typhoid Mary."8
I watched another documentary on Cholera and how #JohnSnow discovered that it was coming from a water pump in Broad Street. There is now the pub called John Snow named after him in Soho to which I have imbibe once or twice. *7
#Coast more filth. This programme is showing Victorian #JosephBazalgette constructing the River Thames as the main raw sewage system including the main pumping station at Crossness. He decided that the Thames could work as a flushing toilet but bends in the river caused problems. Eventually a boat crashed and 600 people died basically through trying to escape in raw sewage. So they stopped raw sewage being pumped into the Thames. What a ***** story. *7
#Devon and #Cornwall is a good relaxing view showing both counties lovely coasts and inlets. I especially like the farming side of the programme and how hard they work and just keep their heads above water. *7
#TheSecrtsSheKeeps S1/6 Final episode #LauraCarmichael as Agatha played such a great role and was totally believable. #JessicsDeGouw was also very good as Meghan and you realised she was just as manipulative as Agatha.
I can see this turning into a second series as there are so many twists and turns to make this a gripping drama.*8
#PennyDreadful #CityofAngels is very slow even threading through treacle.
It reminds me of a Humphrey Bogart but that has action all the way. Here you have the detective having a lovely little chat with somebody for about 5-minutes. #NatalieDormer is playing several evil parts and it is getting quite depressing. Nazi v Jew, Police v Mexican, Good v Evil, Police & Crooks, Rich v Poor. There is no good news. I don't feel if I leave the ride as if I wonder what will happen next I think can I build up for next week I'm not sure*4