#hisdarkmaterials probably my favourite series at the moment and I can't wait for each Sunday night. The teenage actors are beyond brilliant and the rest of the cast are full of surprises.*9 Finale on Sunday
#TinStar Liverpool I binged on this series over two days and I beg people to watch from series 1 which in my opinion is slightly better than 2 & 3 but only just. #TimRoth is definitely unstable throughout each series. His wife got infected from series two and his daughter wasn't far behind. They have a To Do list and I mean 'To Do' or kill everybody on the 'list' including a top woman chief constable, a customs officer and at the top of the list is a guy who played a young scallywag in #Shameless.
#JoanneWhalley also makes an appearance as an unofficial community worker who also sells guns for people such as Tim Roth and his family. All the series have unbelievable violence normally in a matter of fact way. A bit like #ReservoirDogs which Tim Roth appeared in *8
#GoggleBox is still entertaining but seems to concentrate on just five or six groups *7
#Doctors has gone from one of my favs to watch whilst having lunch to this is bad nearing #Crossroads status. The stories have gone downhill and so has the acting when I thought it would have improved after their rest. Thursdays story of four of the crew going to a Christmas horror venture in a cellar and all being exposed to previous tragic moments in their life's e.g. dead cat, killing a fellow doctor, baby death, Jimmy locked up again. To have this as the main story and only boring story showed how the series has lost some of its gloss and creativity over lockdown. It is putting me of my food.*4
#FinditFixitFlogit Superb, educational and funny, all at the same time. Basically, they go off to two different places, normally farms or out buildings. Pick up two items each which need tlc, fix up with their helpers and then flog it or normally they have it valued. All of the cast make excellent contributions but the masters #HenryCole and #SimonOBrien are like two little kids when together along with banter all the way. Simon takes his finds to Gemma who assists in restoring his them but I am not sure who is the boss of who. Henry has a few assistants but mainly Alan and again they all seem to have fun. Ronnie is the new guy on the block and values the items. He doesn't hold back on his opinion which is refreshing not always so good for the lads *8