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House the Home. You buy a House and make it into your Home. This guides you through how to start and progress to a personal haven for your family. Visual Guides, 3D Interior Design, Prioritizing work, Snag lists, Comparisons will add to making it a comfortable Home.
A full list can be found at Master House & Home Templates 

House the Home page


You move into somebody's HOUSE and then you make it into your HOME.

Don't re-invent the wheel

1. Start off with Surveyors Report 

2. Copy onto A3 paper i.e. L/H Surv. rpt R/H side What needs to be done and when.

3. Put on Snag List

See - You Organise You (spreadsheets)
HOME SNAG LIST (Detailed tasks)


Column 1- Priority A1-A10, B1-B10, C1.....E10.                          e.g. Roof

Col 2 Task;                                                                                           e.g. Replace tiles

Col 3 Tradesman;                                                                               e.g. Roofer 

Col 4 Materials;                                                                                   e.g. 6 roof tiles    

Col 5  Start;                                                                                          e.g. Jan 6th

Col 6 Finish.                                                                                         e.g. Jan 7th

These column can be Sorted or Grouped by each Tradesman etc but remember the logical order e.g. Electrician rewiring before Plasterer before Painter. Plus consider season i.e. Indoor work best in winter

GARDEN CALENDAR (Seasonal To Do list)


Column 1- Month                                                                               e.g. Jan - Dec

Col 2 Task;                                                                                           e.g. April - Cut down Apple tree; Lay Lawn

Col 3 Tradesman (if required);                                                         e.g. Tree feller 

Col 4 Plants / Materials;                                                                    e.g. Turf    

Col 5  Start;                                                                                          e.g. 1st week Tree 2nd week Lawn

Col 6 Finish.                                                                                         e.g. 1st week Tree 3rd week May Lawn

GARDEN CALENDAR (Garden Colour & To Do list)

THINGS TO DO BY MONTH e.g. Seasonal priority through year - clean tools, sow seeds, pricking out, harden off, plant out, prune, composting, fixing etc 

GARDEN COLOUR & TO DO LIST (as a second tab to above spreadsheet) e.g.

Column 1- Common name                                                               e.g. Honeysuckle

Col 2 - Botanical name                                                                      e.g. Lotus corniculas

Col 3 - Position                                                                                   e.g. Use a simple grid system A6 L/Hand side

Col 4-15 Month's of year                                                                   i.e. Jan-Dec 

You can then Fill in the row cells of the colour of the plant e.g. above flowers May - October.

This gives a Quick visual guide of when the garden is at its best. You can also use to chart to state the best time to prune, take cuttings or separate a certain plant at a glance



Daily - feed pets, clean toilets, surfaces, check car tyres etc

Weekly - refuse collection, light clean oven & hob, car clean etc

Fortnightly - cut grass in season, clean fish tank

Monthly - windows, kettle, dishwasher

Quarterly - declutter cupboards

Bi-annual - declutter and sell

Yearly - Review Snag List

Start at the top & work your way down - Let the dust settle
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